"Pat Richie is one of only a handful of Principal Consultants trained and endorsed by my company, The Table Group. I have complete confidence in his ability to deliver our material in a very practical and impactful way. "
-Pat Lencioni
best-selling author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
President, The Table Group, Inc.
Currently, Pat works regularly with CEOs and executive teams to quickly and effectively apply the concepts captured in all of Pat Lencioni's books. His clients span a broad spectrum of various industries including, but not limited to: private equity + portfolio companies, energy, health care and technology.
Pat is an expert facilitator of strategic and Board meetings. He has done so for several publicly traded companies. His understanding of the unique make-up of executive teams with the Myers-Briggs® instrument has had a major impact as well. He is often asked to lead a meeting he calls, “The Elephant Hunt” – a frank conversation about the “elephants in the room” – those difficult conversations many organizations need to have, but don’t want to with out some experienced assistance.
Prior to joining The Table Group in 2004, Pat had extensive experience in helping build high performing teams as part of five Super Bowl Championships with the San Francisco 49’ers. He also worked with the San Francisco Giants for 13 years. He is the author of two books on leadership and has spoken to over 500 unique audiences in the US, Canada, Europe and Australia.
As one of the first Table Group consultants Pat has worked with hundreds of executive teams. He makes a strong connection with every client, illustrates Lencioni principles with distinctive strokes, and finds ways to help even difficult team members become part of a cohesive unit. He is known for helping organizations deal gracefully with very thorny issues and for challenging top teams to stay on top. His passion for organizational health is obvious and his commitment to his clients is clear.
what our clients and associates say
Developed Future Leaders
“As the leadership team has changed over the years we have used the learning we have gotten to assimilate new leaders and quickly work together better. People come and go. This will help you deal with change and prepare your future leaders”.
Steve Jureller, President Cauldwell-Wingate Manhattan
Improved Decision Making
“Pat Richie’s personal style has been very helpful. His breadth of experience and his depth of understanding really helps translate the theory into practice. This is our highest level of revenue ever. Our team reports that we experience greater healthy conflict that has led to better decision-making….”
Steve Jureller, President Cauldwell-Wingate Manhattan
Superior Hiring Success
Pat taught us how to spot the highest value additions to the team using the Ideal Team Player model. We were getting ready to hire two new team members and Pat helped us think about how to hire for hungry, humble and smart; how to structure the interview process and what questions to ask. It was incredibly useful. The two hires that we made honestly are among the strongest hires I’ve made since I’ve been
President. They’re both fabulous team players and they’ve taken the team to another level just by their presence.”
Dr. Anne Blackhurst, President Minnesota State University Moorhead

Set the Foundation for a New Company
“Our biggest challenge was building an executive team from scratch. We had to build trust – we didn’t have any! The biggest impact came from the face-to- face meetings with Pat Richie, using the model from the Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Now, our team is able to make quicker and effective decisions. The entire company has noticed the change.”
Chris Albero, President Bravo Builders Manhattan
Gifted Thinker
“Pat Richie is a gifted thinker and speaker. In my 16-year association with the NFL, I was both challenged and encouraged by Pat.”
Andy Wasynczuk, Faculty Harvard Business School, Former New England Patriots Chief Operating Officer
“Pat's warmth, wisdom, and authenticity are contagious. He just makes you want to listen.”
Patrick Lencioni, Author "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” and “The Advantage”
Monumental Contribution: Indiana Pacers
“Pat Richie is one of the most effective thinkers in the area of individual and organizational development. He has made a monumental contribution to the leadership of the Indiana Pacers, helped us focus on our values, and our internal teamwork. We are better because of the genuine caring way he works with us.”
Jim Morris, Former Executive Director of United Nations World Food Programme, Former President Indiana Pacers
Overcame a Crisis
“In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, we had challenges as an investment team to keep our team together and to keep our portfolio companies motivated. At our annual strategy session, Pat managed to really solidify a team in the context of some pretty tumultuous times. When Pat got involved with some of our portfolio companies, the results were phenomenal.”
Al Foglio, Former Managing Director G. I. Partners UK; Chairman of the Board Cambian Group
Won Over the Skeptics
“Some people are skeptical going into a session. Yet every time I came out of a session with Pat I was pleasantly surprised. Pat was extremely empathetic to his audience. He managed to pull all of the best out of the people and get them really driving in a constructive way. I think that’s a sign of a fantastic consultant.”
Al Foglio, Former Managing Director G. I. Partners UK; Chairman of the Board Cambian Group

Pat Richie, Table Group, Principal Consultant